Jemniště Castle
emniště (new castle)
The Baroque chateau Jemniště is located 8 km east of Benešov on the road No. 112 connecting Benešov with Vlašimí. To the east of the chateau, a village of the same name - a local part of Postupice - is adjacent to the chateau park. The building is in the private hands of the Sternberg family and is open to the public.
The present Baroque chateau is not the oldest manor house in the village of Jemniště. The original seat was a water fortress. At the end of the 16th century, this fortress was converted into a four-winged Renaissance chateau, which served as apartments for the chateau officials after the new chateau was built.
In 1717, Count Franz Adam of Trauttmansdorff (1679-1762) bought the estate. In 1724, the new owner had a new Baroque chateau built according to a design by the Czech architect František Maxmilián Kaňka.1 In 1754, the chateau burned down and was newly rebuilt and equipped. No changes have occurred since then and the castle is a typical nobleman's dwelling from the High Baroque period. After the Trauttmansdorff family, the manor passed by marriage to the High Count Rottenhans, who initiated the construction of the castle and also contributed to the development of the cotton industry in the area. After Rottenhan's death, Jemniště was owned by his daughters' husbands, first Count Jan Nepomuk Chotek, then Count Jiří Buquoy. In 1836 Veriand Windischgrätz bought Jemniště.