Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria 1
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria 1
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria 2
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria 2
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Torre. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 3
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Torre. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 3
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Torre. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 4
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Torre. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 4
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Torre. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 5
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Torre. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 5
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 6
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 6
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Bóveda del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 7
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Bóveda del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 7
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Bóveda del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 8
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Bóveda del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 8
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Bóveda del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 9
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Bóveda del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 9
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Clave de bóveda en el pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 10
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Clave de bóveda en el pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 10
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 11
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 11
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Portada lateral del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 12
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Portada lateral del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 12
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Portada central del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 13
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Portada central del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 13
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Portada central del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 14
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Portada central del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 14
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Portada lateral del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 15
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Portada lateral del pórtico. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 15
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave central. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 16
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave central. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 16
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Órgano. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 17
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Órgano. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 17
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave central y laterales. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 18
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave central y laterales. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 18
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave central y laterales. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 19
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave central y laterales. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 19
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave lateral. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 20
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave lateral. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 20
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Triforio. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 21
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Triforio. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 21
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave central. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 22
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave central. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 22
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave central. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 23
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Nave central. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 23
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Crucero. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 24
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Crucero. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 24
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Presbiterio. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 25
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Presbiterio. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 25
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Presbiterio y altar Mayor. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 26
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Presbiterio y altar Mayor. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 26
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Ábside y Girola. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 27
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Ábside y Girola. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 27
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Ábside y Girola. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 28
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Ábside y Girola. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 28
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Ábside y Girola. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 29
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Ábside y Girola. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 29
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Arcos codales (Arcos del miedo) del transepto. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 30
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Arcos codales (Arcos del miedo) del transepto. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 30
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Arcos codales (Arcos del miedo) del transepto. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 31
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Arcos codales (Arcos del miedo) del transepto. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 31
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Lamentación sobre Cristo muerto, de Gaspar de Crayer. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 32
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Lamentación sobre Cristo muerto, de Gaspar de Crayer. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 32
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Sepulcro. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 33
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Sepulcro. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 33
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Retablo. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 34
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Retablo. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 34
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Capilla del Santo Cristo y baptisterio. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 35
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Capilla del Santo Cristo y baptisterio. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 35
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Calvario sobre la puerta de comunicación con la Catedral, Parroquia exenta de Santa María. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 36
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Calvario sobre la puerta de comunicación con la Catedral, Parroquia exenta de Santa María. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 36
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Cabecera de la antigua Capilla de Santiago, hoy parroquia exenta de Santa María. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 37
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Cabecera de la antigua Capilla de Santiago, hoy parroquia exenta de Santa María. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 37
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Retablo mayor en la iglesia parroquial de Santa María (ex Capilla de Santiago). Old Cathedral of Vitoria 38
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Retablo mayor en la iglesia parroquial de Santa María (ex Capilla de Santiago). Old Cathedral of Vitoria 38
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Altar de la Dolorosa, en la iglesia parroquial de Santa María (ex Capilla de Santiago). Old Cathedral of Vitoria 39
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Altar de la Dolorosa, en la iglesia parroquial de Santa María (ex Capilla de Santiago). Old Cathedral of Vitoria 39
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
San Judas Tadeo, en la iglesia parroquial de Santa María (ex Capilla de Santiago). Old Cathedral of Vitoria 40
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
San Judas Tadeo, en la iglesia parroquial de Santa María (ex Capilla de Santiago). Old Cathedral of Vitoria 40
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Puerta de la Sacristía, en la iglesia parroquial de Santa María (ex Capilla de Santiago). Old Cathedral of Vitoria 41
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Puerta de la Sacristía, en la iglesia parroquial de Santa María (ex Capilla de Santiago). Old Cathedral of Vitoria 41
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Columnas de la Cripta. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 42
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Columnas de la Cripta. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 42
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Columnas de la Cripta. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 43
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Columnas de la Cripta. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 43
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Escaleras del campanario. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 44
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Escaleras del campanario. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 44
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria 45
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria 45
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria 46
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria 46
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria 47
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria 47
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Vista aérea. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 48
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Vista aérea. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 48
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Vista aérea. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 49
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Vista aérea. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 49
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Vista aérea del Casco Viejo. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 50
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Vista aérea del Casco Viejo. Old Cathedral of Vitoria 50
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria
Old Cathedral of Vitoria