Osera de Ebro Bridge
Record: 546 m
Main Span Record: 120 m
Bridge over the river Ebro L.A.V. Zaragoza – Lérida 2001.
The bridge over the river Ebro is 546 m long and it is made up of a main bridge that is 384 m long and spans measuring 42 m 60 m 120 m 2×60 m 42 m. Besides which there is a viaduct access on the right river bank, formed by one 16 m span and 6 x 24 m spans.
It is a singular viaduct, since its main section is made up of a large Vierendel box girder which the train 90e5 trough. It has a total height of 9.15 m and the webs are lightened by circular 3.8 m diameter orifices, with a 6.00 m separation between them. The cross section has a slight trapezial shape, where the base measures 13.7 m and the top measures 16.56 m. The covering is also lightened where the central area is made up from a series of transverse ribs which also have a 6.00 m separation.