Port of Mazatlán
About the Port
The Port of Mazatlan favours foreign trade in the northwest of Mexico, with the exchange of general and containerised cargo. It is one of the ports on the Mexican Pacific Ocean coast with the largest vehicle port operations.
The Port of Mazatlan is the port of call for the largest cruise ships sailing around the world. It maintains regular cabotage routes, with the reception of petroleum products for local supply standing out.
It is highly specialised in transhipment, as it is a port node that supplies foodstuffs and diverse inputs to the Mexican peninsular state of Baja California Sur. It is the origin and daily destination of passengers on the Mazatlán-La Paz-Mazatlán route.
The state with the highest value of fish production in Mexico is Sinaloa, where the Port of Mazatlán is located, providing shelter and port infrastructure to one of the largest Mexican fishing fleets.
The port of Mazatlán is the western port hub of the Northern Interoceanic Economic Corridor, maintaining a land connection with the ports of Matamoros, Altamira and Tampico, on the Gulf of Mexico coast. It also has connectivity to the eastern United States via the Mazatlán-Durango highway, one of Mexico's most daring road projects.