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Canal del Marne al Rin



Récord: 314 km

Tipo: Canales




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Continente: Europa

País: Francia

Localización: Vitry-le-François-Estrasburgo

Año: 1838-1853

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:El Canal de Marne-Rin (Francés: Canal de la Marne au Rhin) es un canal en el noreste de Francia. Se conecta el río Marne en Vitry-le-François con el Rin en Estrasburgo. Combinado con la parte canalizada del Marne, permite el transporte entre París y el este de Francia. El objetivo original del canal era conectar París y el norte de Francia con la Alsacia, el Rin, y Alemania.

Los 313 km (194 millas) de largo del canal fueron inaugurados en 1853. El canal es adecuado para los buques pequeños (PENICHES), el máximo tamaño es de 38,5 m de largo y 5,05 m de ancho. Cuenta con 154 esclusas, incluyendo dos en el río Mosela. Hay cuatro túneles. El plano inclinado de Saint-Louis-Arzviller está situada entre Arzviller y Saint-Louis y su construcción reemplazó unas 17 esclusas.–Rhine_Canal

El Canal de Marne-Rin, a lo largo de 314 kilometros y 178 bloqueos conecta inicialmente la Marne (en Vitry-le-François ) al Rin (en Estrasburgo). Por el canal lateral del Marne, está conectado a los cursos de agua del Sena a la Isla de Francia y Normandía.



Los primeros proyectos de construcción se remontan a la década de 1780, pero el estudio del canal hecho por el ingeniero civil de carreteras Barnabé Brisson es de 1826. El trabajo fue dirigido por el ingeniero politécnico Charles-Étienne Collignon (1802 - 1885). Iniciado en 1838, el canal fue comisionado en 1853. El poder humano y animal dio paso a la tracción eléctrica de 1895, sobre rieles o neumáticos desde 1933, antes del uso generalizado de barcazas autopropulsadas.

Canal de la Marne au Rhin

From Champagne over the Lorraine to Alsace

The navigable Marne leads from Paris to Epernay, there one changes into the side canal of the Marne and continues to Vitry le François. Then, it is followed by the westerly stretch of the Marne-Rhin until Toul on the Moselle.

The easterly stretch connects Toul and Strasbourg and is particularly suitable for a house boat holiday.

At Toul, one has two possibilities to get onto the easterly part of the canal

a) one navigates southwards, upstream on the Mosel until Richardmenil and then over the “Embranchement de Nancy” to get onto the Marne-Rhine again east of Nancy, at km 169, or

b) one goes to the north, down the Mosel, and has again a connection to the Marne-Rhin at Pompey.

The stretch, Vitry le François to Toul, has quite a lot to offer. But there is still hardly any tourism there. Shortly after Vitry one crosses the border to Lorraine and passes (or not) the nice towing places of Pargny, Sermaize les Bains, Revigny sur Ornain, Bar le Duc and Ligny en Barrois. Afterwards the canal gets lost in woody areas and passes soon through the tunnel of Mauvages (Souterrain de Maugaves) which is 4.7 kilometers long. After this, one crosses shortly the valley of the Maas and gets soon after to Toul on the Moselle.

The easterly stretch starts for both possibilities with the town of Nancy which offers everything to its visitors. It’s well worth taking this opportunity since the possibilities then are not really exuberant until Saverne. Soon, one has left the industrial suburbs behind and comes into a nice, hilly and mostly agricultural surrounding, passing pretty villages like Crévic, Maixe and Einville. The latter has a very nice port. Ignore the signs praising the Hotel there, at the moment you might get as much as a Pastis.

There is a very charming towing possibility at the Etang de Parroy. Followed by Lagarde, this village has first of all a big, nice church. But right next to it is the comfortable Restaurant de la Garde and a bit further down, the port with all amenities. Then the woods of Rechicourt and the Etang de Gondrexange follow, and with them, the branching off into the Huillères de la Sarre (Saar-Kohlekanal) which has nothing to do with coal anymore.

At the Auberge in Henning, you have the possibility to eat the first Sauerkraut Royal of Alsace, and then followed by the port of Hesse. The port of Arzviller is the last station before the tunnels and the ship lift. Having passed the tunnels, together with the railway, one stands soon after in front of the famous ship lift of Arzviller and has the chance to experience a unique travel downstream.

Happily arrived, one finds oneself in the wild valley of the Zorn; accompanying you over Lutzelbourg to Saverne. The Port of Saverne is really nice but a cheek really, it stands in the middle of the gardens of the Château des Duc de Rohan, lying just en face. The remaining narrow 50 km to Strasbourg offer towing at Waltenheim, Vendenheim and Souffelweyerheim.

Latter is very suitable for a visit to Strasbourg, since towing possibilities are rare in town and not easy to find. de la Marne au Rhin


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Inserción: 2015-08-05 21:24:59


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