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Catedral de San Eunano


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Tipo: Edificios Religiosos




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Continente: Europa

País: Irlanda

Localización: Letterkenny, Condado de Donegal

Año: 1902

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:La Catedral de San Eunano, también conocida en Irlanda como St. Eunan’s Cathedral es una catedral católica romana localizada en Letterkenny, Condado de Donegal.

Además de ser la unica catedral en todo el condado es fácilmente diferenciable de las capillas por su enorme torre y por ser integramente gris. Inaugurada en 1901 es una de las visitas obligadas de la ciudad.

Actualmente sigue siendo el edificio más alto de la ciudad, la entrada es gratuita y esta abierta todos los días de 8 de la mañana hasta el horario de la ultima misa.

The only Cathedral in the County and one of stature and very imposing architectural character, on the Gothic Style. Many years ago during the 17th century while Ireland was under English rule the passing of the Penal Law in 1698 condemned the Irish people to a life of poverty as near slave on the land. They could not acquire property, become tradesmen, merchants, civil servants or practice their religion.

During the enforcement of the Penal Law while persecution raged, Mass continued to be celebrated in a hollow in the area of Sentry Hill above Letterkenny - the hill deriving it's name from the custom of posting a sentry watchman on the commanding height to guard against the approach of spy or yeoman. Towards the end of the 18th century one of the very first catholic churches erected in the protestant neighborhood was built near this site. Due to its remoteness from allot of the towns people it was decided to build a church nearer the town and the site chosen is where the cathedral now stands.

The inspiration to build this fine Cathedral came from the late Cardinal O'Donnell, then Bishop of Raphoe.

A Cathedral Building Committee was formed 1890 and the building was then begun. The Cathedral stands on a commanding site overlooking the town. Looking at it we are at once impressed by the excellent proportions - the symmetry and architectural style of the building being self evident. The general use of the pointed arch, the subdivision of large window areas for glazing purposes, the decorative importance of flying and rudimentary buttresses, the ornamentation of structural forms, the natural realism of the stone carving are all features indicative of a late period of the Gothic Style.

St. Eunan's Cathedral or the Cathedral of St. Eunan and St Columba as it is also known, is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in the parish of Conwal and Leck in Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland. It was built between the years of 1890 and 1900 and is the only Catholic cathedral in the county, however, an older Church of Ireland cathedral of the same name is located in the town of Raphoe.

The Cathedral was commissioned by late Cardinal O'Donnell, then Bishop of Raphoe, who in 1888 aged 32 became the youngest bishop in the world at that time.[1] The Cathedral, located on Castle Street opposite Conwal Parish Church in the town celebrated its centenary in 2001. The parish priests are Fr. Eamonn Kelly, Fr. Willie Bradley and Fr. Philip Kemmy. Eunan Cathedral


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