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FKI Tower

Otro: Federation of Korean Industries Head Office Building


Récord: 245 m

Tipo: Rascacielos




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Continente: Asia

País: Corea del Sur

Localización: Yeouido, Seúl

Año: 2013

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:FKI Tower

Completed in December 2013, the new head office building for the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) is a major new addition to the skyline of Seoul, Korea. FKI represents major Korean companies such as Samsung, LG and Hyundai Motors.

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The new headquarters is located on Yeoi-Dae-Roh, the main through-road in Seoul and is now a prominent fixture among the wall of marquee buildings along the road, directly across the street from Yeoido Park. The tower’s position guarantees spectacular views on all sides, adding to the world-class setting similar to New York’s Central Park or Chicago’s Magnificent Mile. The 50-story, 240-meter tower features an innovative exterior wall, designed specifically for the project. The building’s unique skin helps reduce internal heating and cooling loads and collects energy through photovoltaic panels that are integrated into the spandrel areas of the southwest and northwest facades.

The concept for FKI Tower was developed by combining the client’s request for a building that was contextual to the predominantly orthogonal architecture of the Yeoido District and the city’s requirement that all new large-scale commercial buildings generate a minimum of 5% of their energy onsite. The design team developed a strategy that would meet both requirements as well as reduce the amount of energy that the building used for its heating and cooling loads. The use of building integrated photovoltaic panels (BIPV) was seen as an architecturally appealing way to meet the strict zoning requirement, while the optimization of the panels became a driving factor in developing the architectural expression.

FKI Tower's exterior wall system combines maximum access to views, energy efficiency strategies and energy generation technologies. By angling the spandrel panels 30 degrees toward the sun, the amount of energy collected by the photovoltaic panels is maximized. Below the spandrel panels, the vision panels are angled 15 degrees toward the ground, minimizing the amount of direct sun radiation and glare. The end result is a unique folded exterior texture that is both purposeful and visually distinctive. Benefits include a reduction of glare and heat gains from direct sunlight, while maintaining a high level of indirect light. With the exception of the early morning and the late afternoon periods, the building is able to use the geometry of the exterior wall to self-shade the perimeter spaces that would normally be inundated with direct sunlight. This gives the building occupants the flexibility to open the shades and allow indirect natural light.

FKI Tower, Seoul

Featured June 2015

FKI Tower was recognized as a "Best Tall Building Asia & Australasia Finalist" in the 2014 CTBUH Awards Program.

Other Featured Tall Buildings

“This building repeats a logical solar strategy across its façades. At the same time it achieves a remarkable aesthetic, all the more powerful because it is driven by performance.” -Jeanne Gang, Jury Chair, Studio Gang

While many tall buildings trade on their iconicity from a distance, FKI Tower is a building that rewards the visitor more on closer inspection. Both the bulbous glass podium and the tilted spandrel panels of the main tower invite the outside viewer in, as much as they let verdant views and indirect light inside. The folded exterior plays a vital role in bringing electric energy to the building through solar panels, while energizing the façade visually, regardless of the side of the glass on which one stands.

The new head office for the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) is a major new addition to the skyline of Seoul, Korea. The tower features an innovative exterior wall, designed specifically for the project. This unique skin helps reduce internal heating and cooling loads and collects energy through photovoltaic panels that are integrated into the spandrel areas of the southeast and southwest faces. FKI clearly illustrates the advancement in building façades from simple wall systems to high-performance, integrated architectural and engineering design solutions.


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Inserción: 2016-05-16 15:05:39


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