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Presa y Embalse de Sayano–Shúshenskaya

Otro: Central hidroeléctrica Sayano–Shúshenskaya

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Récord: 31300 hm³

Récord de Altura: 242 m

Tipo: Presas




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Continente: Asia

País: Rusia

Localización: Río Yenisei, cerca de la ciudad de Sayanogorsk, en la república de Jakasia

Año: 1978

Estado: Terminado


Five Years After Sayano-Shushenskaya Disaster, Plant Repaired But Families Still Broken

By Ekaterina Chernysheva and Daisy Sindelar

August 17, 2014

On the morning of August 17, 2009, a turbine at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station in southern Siberia burst apart, sending rocks, shards of metal, and a flood of icy water rushing through the room.

Valentina Gulina, an equipment engineer working in the turbine hall, describes the nightmare that followed.

"We tried to do everything we could," she says. "We put a chair up on a table so that someone could climb up. We did whatever we could so at least someone's life would be saved."

Gulina, who couldn't swim, figured her chances were slim. "I decided that I wasn't going to grab onto anyone or cling to them, because I didn't want to be a burden," she says. "I went underwater and that saved me, because those who were on the surface and holding on were swept away by a wave."

The hall's ceiling collapsed, trapping people beneath the water. In the end, 75 people were killed and hundreds of thousands left without power in what was one of Russia's worst industrial accidents and a grim reminder of the country's infrastructural decay.

Show Trial, Slow Trial

For the fifth year in a row, survivors and relatives of the victims gathered at the Sayano-Shushenksaya plant on August 17 to observe a moment of silence and protest judicial dawdling in the case.

Carrying placards with slogans like "We've been waiting five years for punishment to be doled out," protesters said they were frustrated by what they said were repeated attempts by defense attorneys to delay the trial of several plant managers and safety engineers charged with criminal neglect.

Several protesters said defense lawyers had used vacations and other stalling tactics to slow the pace of the trial, which was opened in 2012.

"We want to use this protest to express our opinion that it's time for these lawyers to start working properly, because every hearing turns into a show," says Natalya Klyukach, whose sister, Yelena, died in the accident.

'No Global Expertise'

In the village of Cheryomushki, home to a majority of the plant's employees, the past five years have felt like an eternity. Many of the residents in the town say they feel like family -- not just because they've weathered a tragedy together, but also because their lives are inextricably entwined with the history of Sayano-Shushenskaya, Russia's largest hydroelectric plant and once considered a jewel in the crown of Soviet industrial planners.

Valentin Stafiyevsky, who went on to head the plant in the 1980s, remembers how workers from all over the Soviet Union settled in tiny Cheryomushki in the 1960s to help build the plant's massive dam spanning the Yenisei River.

"We had to fight against the mountains to build a road between Cheryomushki and [the plant in] Sayanogorsk. It was carved out of the rocks," he says. "It was a period when we literally fought for every possible achievement proving our socialist system was more progressive than the 'decaying' capitalist one."

"It all bears relation to this tragedy five years ago," Stafiyevsky adds. "Because despite the fact that we were able to build such power stations based on our own expertise, we didn't have any global expertise."

Hydropower experts are still debating the cause of the accident, but many -- including Russia's own safety watchdog, Rostekhnadzor, say that the studs in the turbine cover had weakened through basic wear and tear, and had never been replaced. Others said high-frequency vibrations -- too subtle to be registered by the plant's Soviet-era monitoring system -- contributed to the equipment's instability.

An international-standard vibration monitor has since been installed at the Sayano-Shushenskaya plant, which has also seen more than 100 other safety measures put in place, like a shore spillway meant to ensure the security of the dam even during heavy flooding. Nearly all of the turbines are back in operation, and the restoration of the station is due to be completed by the end of this year.

That's little comfort to residents like Alla Bulanovskaya, who lost her son, Yury, in the accident. Prosecutors have just one year left to close the case before a statute of limitations kicks in and nullifies it.

"Five years have passed," Bulanovskaya says angrily, "and there's no sentence."


Restoration of Russia's 6,400-MW Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant complete



By Michael Harris

Associate Editor

A ceremony marking the commissioning of the tenth and final hydro turbine at Russia's Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant marks the end of a five-year restoration process, owner JSC RusHydro announced this week.

With company officials on-site and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin participating via television link, RusHydro (LSE: HYDR) launched the plant's Unit No. 2, raising Sayano-Shushenskaya's cumulative output capacity to 6,400 MW.

Unit 2 was the most damaged in a August 2009 accident that created an explosion and caused the plant's turbine room to flood, killing more than 70 and necessitating the eventual replacement of all its 10 generator units.

RusHydro began the first stage of reconstruction in 2010 by restoring four of Sayano-Shyshenskaya's least-damaged units and putting them into service.

The company then installed six new units between 2011 and 2013 before replacing the four rehabilitated units with entirely new ones over the course of the past year.

The restoration cost more than US$89.3 million, RusHydro said, and was financed entirely with its own funds.

"New equipment at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant has enhanced performance characteristics that meet all safety and reliability requirements," the company said. "The useful life of the new units has been extended to 40 years and maximum efficiency now reaches 96.6%."

The new Power Machines-manufactured turbines are also fitted with a more efficient process protection system, which, RusHydro said, will automatically shut the unit down if it deviates from controlled parameters.

"I am sure that this work will lead to an improvement in the electricity supply for the Siberian region and that the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric plant will contribute substantially to the stable functioning of all the energy systems in the whole country," Putin said.

HydroWorld.com reported Power Machines had installed the last generator rotor in mid-October.


Putin pone en marcha una turbina reconstruida tras avería en la hidroeléctrica Sayano-Shúshenskaya


09:30 24.02.2010(actualizada a las 20:28 10.12.2014)

El primer ministro de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, puso en marcha hoy el grupo generador número seis reconstruido en la planta hidroeléctrica Sayano-Shúshenskaya tras avería ocurrida en agosto del año pasado, informó corresponsal de RIA Novosti.

Cheriómushki (Rusia), 24 de febrero, RIA Novosti. El primer ministro de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, puso en marcha hoy el grupo generador número seis reconstruido en la planta hidroeléctrica Sayano-Shúshenskaya tras avería ocurrida en agosto del año pasado, informó corresponsal de RIA Novosti.

Asistieron también al acto el vicepresidente del Gobierno, Ígor Sechin, el ministro de Energía, Serguei Shmatkó y el jefe de la compañía eléctrica Rushidro, Evgueni Dod.

Las fuentes oficiales de Rushidro indicaron que este año se prevé poner en explotación otras tres turbinas en la central: quinta, tercera y cuarta, después de lo cual la potencia instalada en la hidroeléctrica alcanzará 2,56 gigavatios.

Según previsiones, las obras de reconstrucción en la central, valoradas en unos 1,3 mil millones de dólares, serán concluidas en 2014.

El accidente en la hidroeléctrica, ocurrido el 17 de agosto de 2009, ocasionó 75 muertos. Tres grupos generadores fueron destruidos por una avalancha de agua y otras siete turbinas sufrieron graves daños. En las operaciones de búsqueda y recuperación participaron más de 2.000 hombres.

Puesta en marcha en 1978, la hidroelectrica Sayano-Shushenskaya, ubicada en el curso alto del Yenisei al sur de Siberia, es la más potente de Rusia y una de las mayores del mundo. La altura de su presa mide 245 metros y la longitud de coronamiento, 1.066 m. Diez grupos generadores de 640 MW cada uno producían 22,8 mil millones de kilovatios hora al año.


La central hidroeléctrica Sayano–Shushenskaya (en ruso: Сая́но-Шу́шенская гидроэлектроста́нция, Sayano-Shushenskaya Gidroelekrostantsiya) está situada en el río Yenisei, cerca de la ciudad de Sayanogorsk, en la república de Jakasia, Rusia. Es la mayor central hidroeléctrica del país y la quinta a nivel mundial en energía producida.









Web recomendada: http://www.sshges.rushydro.ru/

Contador: 13932

Inserción: 2015-03-20 14:25:06


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