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Puerto de Milford Haven


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Tipo: Puertos




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Continente: Europa

País: Reino Unido

Localización: Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire


Estado: Terminado

Descripción:Milford Haven es una ciudad en Pembrokeshire. En galés se llama Aberdaugleddau (traducido "la boca de los dos Ríos Cleddau") aunque su origen proviene de palabras nórdicas - Melyr/Fyord (arena deposita/entrada). En los siglos IX y X los navegantes Vikingos ya venían con frecuencia a tomar refugio en este puerto. No obstante, fue realmente fundada como un centro de caza de ballenas en el siglo XVIII convirtiéndose en un puerto principal. Disponía de una Marina muy grande que ocupaba parte del muelle. Entonces las traineras españoles y belgas usaban las instalaciones como una base diaria. En 1960 fue la central de extracción de petróleo más importante de Esso. El camino de la costa de Pembrokeshire pasa por aquí a lo largo kilómetros de rocas escarpadas, bahías y playas. Se puede explorar el establecimiento monástico de San David (santo de patrón de País de Gales), sin olvidar el Fuerte Hubberstone.


UK 'energy capital' prepared and proud

28 Feb 2011

Milford Haven brands itself as the ‘energy capital of the UK’, handling 25% of the nation’s petrol and diesel provisions.

And with two liquefied natural gas facilities commissioned on the Haven within the past two years, the need for detailed emergency planning and business continuity planning is obvious.

Perhaps it’s unfair to mention this, but the port is also famous for the pollution disaster of the Sea Empress in 1996 – something which led to wholesale changes in the way emergency procedures and oil pollution response are organised in the UK.

Milford Haven Port Authority has in place its oil pollution contingency plan, a statutory requirement by the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency, and its own port emergency plan, which covers incidents such as fire, explosion or grounding.

Its own plans were completely overhauled in advance of the opening of the South Hook and Dragon LNG terminals in 2009, says Tom Lester, assistant harbour master (planning).

As the LNG plans were moving ahead, there were regular meetings with the Health & Safety Executive, the local resilience forum and others. Certain protocols were agreed; if there were to be a crisis, everyone knows who should phone who. Exercises were organised to ensure the plans worked smoothly. “Communication is all laid down and agreed by all the agencies, so they will all gel,” says Mr Lester.

The port emergency plan includes a simple checklist of about a dozen key actions or calls to make; Tom Lester carries with him a small booklet which includes this checklist. “You don’t want to be picking up a big file and wondering which page to go to,” he says. “This little crib sheet is ideal; it is quite generic, with a tick box for each action taken and what time it was taken.”

MHPA carried out a full-scale emergency exercise in October “and a few things came out of that”, he says. “We are always finding things that can be improved upon. Last winter (09-10), for example, we had to deal with severe weather and as a result we have put in place things like inflatable mattresses and a store of food, and identified centrally placed people who can get into work.”

The emergency plan goes through an annual external audit and is regularly refreshed, he adds.

“The priorities remain the same: safety of people and then the environment. Commercial aspects would be fairly well down most lists until the incident is under control. In an emergency we would stop the refineries as necessary, close down the port, and not reopen until we were satisfied that the situation was under control.”


New Chairman for Port of Milford Haven

July 24, 2013

One of the most senior figures in the UK Ports Industry, Peter Jones, has been appointed Chairman of the Port of Milford Haven. Mr Jones accepted the appointment following an open competition jointly led by the Port and the Department for Transport. Mr Jones has been appointed by the Secretary of State for Transport, and will take up the post on 1st August 2013.

Having retired earlier this year as Chief Executive of the UK’s largest ports group Associated British Ports, and with a career stretching back over 30 years in the ports sector, Mr Jones will bring a wealth of experience to the UK’s 3rd largest port. The Port of Milford Haven is the country’s single largest energy gateway responsible for handling up to 25% of the UK’s seaborne energy trade.

Stephen Hammond MP, Under Secretary of State for Transport, said: “I am delighted that Peter Jones has accepted the invitation to become the new Chairman of the Port of Milford Haven. Peter brings with him an impressive track record and an unparalleled knowledge of ports and shipping from his long and varied career in the ports industry, including at CEO and Chair level. His experience will be a great asset to Milford Haven and I am sure he will lead the Port confidently into the next phase of its development.”

Mr Jones succeeds David Benson who will be stepping down from the post of Chairman at the end of July. As Chairman, Mr Benson led the Port through the start of the Liquefied Natural Gas era, successfully establishing Milford Haven’s two LNG terminals and the start of their safe operation in 2009.

Mr Jones, commenting on his appointment said: “The Port of Milford Haven is a critical gateway for the UK economy and I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to play a leading role as its Non-Executive Chairman. I am very much looking forward to working with the Board and the executive team to develop the Port and ensure that it continues to be a safe and successful business recognising its importance as a key energy gateway for the UK economy, and a vital generator of local growth and employment.


The Port of Milford Haven has the following key strategic advantages over other ports in the UK and Europe:

Over 17.0m depth of water available at all states of tide and the ability to handle vessels with drafts of up to 22.0m

Proximity to Atlantic trade routes

No lock restrictions

High capacity gas and oil pipelines and electricity connections to the centre of the UK

As part of its deep sea operations, the Port currently serves five major energy terminals; Valero Refinery, Murco Refinery, South Hook LNG, Dragon LNG and the largest petroleum tank farm in the UK, SemLogistics. Together, these terminals receive cargoes from the North Sea, North and West Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe and re-deliver finished products to international destinations. More recently, the Haven was chosen as the site for Europe’s largest gas-fired power station - Pembroke Power Station, built by RWE nPower.

The Port of Milford Haven also owns and operates Milford Docks and Pembroke Port – its short sea operations. Activities such as cargo handling, fish landing, ferry operations and cruise calls are handled between these two locations.

The Port has succeeded in attracting over £3bn of new investment over the past 5 years. As a result, the port area now sustains 4,000 skilled jobs in Pembrokeshire. These figures are a powerful reminder of what a positive impact an efficient and competitive independent port can have on the county, the region and indeed the nation as a whole.

The Port is in the heart of the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, a marine Special Area of Conservation and has many areas designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).


Milford Haven, en galés Aberdaugleddau. Localidad de Gran Bretaña situada en el suroeste de Gales. Ubicada en Pembrokeshire, en el condado de Dyfed, a orillas de la bahía homónima. Posee una población aproximada de 14000 habitantes. Está hermanada con la localidad francesa de Romilly-sur-Seine.

Entre los principales atractivos turísticos caben destacar Fort Hubberstone, construido en 1865 para la defensa del puerto, los muelles, el museo, y las ruinas de un observatorio.







Web recomendada: http://www.mhpa.co.uk/

Contador: 5117

Inserción: 2014-11-20 14:02:33


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