Tipo: Monumentos
Continente: Europa
País: Rumanía
Localización: Capidava, en el condado de Constanta
Año: s. I
Estado: Destruido
Descripción:Capidava1 fue un importante pueblo de Dacia en la orilla derecha del río Danubio. Después de la conquista romana, se convirtió en un centro civil y militar, como parte de la provincia de Moesia Inferior (más tarde Escitia Menor), la moderna Dobruja.
Se encuentra en la localidad del mismo nombre, Capidava, en el condado de Constanta, Rumania.
Capidava Fortress
Situated on the road that connects Harsova of Cernavoda, at the midway between the two towns, City Capidava is part of a series of castles built during the time of Trajan in the early second century p. Chr. The getic toponym (Capidava meaning "fortress of turning"), confirming a pre-Roman habitation, necessary for the communication between Dobrogea and those in the Plain of Muntenia.
The camp was built by detachments from the legions: V Macedonia Claudia IX.
For almost five centuries The Capidava Fortress was a military status, there were a number of troops quartered here: cohors I Ubiorum, cohors I Germanorum (sec .I III );vexilatio Capidavensium, cuneus equitum Scutariotum (sec IV-VI).
Capidava fortress, the vigilant eye on the Danube
Ruins of Capidava fortress stand still on the right bank of the Danube in Constanta county. The fortified quadrangle-shaped settlement is a true tourist attraction in Dobrogea region, next to Histria and Harsova. It can be reached through the road from Harsova (E61) or the road from Cernavoda (Fete?ti-Cernavoda).
Not much was left from the former important Geto-Dacian strategic point, which later on, after the Roman conquest, became a civil and military center. However, tourists can still see the impressive precinct wall, the fortified settlement gate with a tower and the track of the tower horseshoes-shaped foundations. In the south the defensive wall and late fort can also be admired, as well as the path of the protecting ditching. Inside the fortified settlement one can look at several buildings built around a private square, fitted with porches, as well as access paths and sewerage canals. Out of eight dolia (doliare opus) – a general term for rough pottery artifacts, brick ones, tile ones, sewerage pipes – only three were left.
Contador: 3063
Inserción: 2016-01-22 18:25:08
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