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Tipo: Puertos
Continente: Europa
País: Rumanía
Localización: Constanza
Estado: Terminado
Descripción:Overview/Port history
Constantza Port history is tightly connected to the City of Constantza. Although first record attestation of Constantza is late (2nd century B.C.) - the antique Tomis is discovered, starting with 6th century b.C., through archeological evidence.
The city-port was organized initially as an emporium - trade center for Greek merchants and locals. Tomis will adopt in time all the evolutional characteristics of a Greek polis. The Greek influence is maintained until first century B.C., when the territory located between Danube and Black Sea enters under Roman occupation. First years of Roman governance were registered by the Roman poet Ovidius, exiled at Tomis "inter getesque", for unknown motives.
The port has a prosperous economy for the next centuries and the town was named after the Roman emperor, Constantin. The trade takes place in the "Inlay Roman Edifice", a beautiful site situated between the city sea-wall and port facilities.
In the byzantine period, Tomis port evolution will be marked by numerous invasions of barbarians. Trade is falling and the merchants are seeking other markets, but the port is not forgotten, being still registered in port documents and Venetians and Genovese maps. Thus, the port and other relevant buildings will keep the title of "Genovese", in the memory of the merchants from this Italian city.
After a short Romanian governance, "until Mircea the Great", Dobrogea territory is occupied by the Othoman Empire. Turk chronicles, European or Empire travelers will mention the activity of Kustendge Port (Turkish name of the city), that even modest at that time, will contribute to the trade development of the region.
In 1857, the Turkish authorities have leased the construction of the port and railway between Constantza and Cernavoda to an English company "Danube and Black Sea Railway and Kustendge harbour Company Ltd.". Constantza Port benefits of modern endowment and facilities for the first time.
After the Independence War in 1877, Dobrogea is united to Romania and first initiatives regarding the constructions of a port that will take advantage of Constantza's strategic location and economical growth of the new state, are becoming real. King Carol's opinion about port of Constantza is that "it will become one of the most important ports of the Orient and a source of wealth for the entire nation". Not easily, the King convinced the politicians regarding the importance of the project. In this context, the Romanian state ransomed the port facilities from the English company, and contacted foreign specialists for the development of port extension and invested also in the construction of the impressive bridge at Cernavoda.
On 16th of October 1896 the official launch of the construction works and modernization of Constantza Port took place. In the foundation-stone, King Carol has incrusted the act that certified "the establishment of a port on the shores of old Pontus Euxinus, where since old centuries trade has found shelter and where so many historical monuments remind us of our Roman forefathers domination and where the poet Ovidius ended his life."
The construction works began according to the project of I.B. Cantacuzino and were taken over by other exceptional Romanian engineers: Gheorghe Duca and Anghel Saligny. In 1899, the port construction works were taken over by Saligny, the constructor of Cernavoda bridge. Until 1909, when Constantza Port was officialy inaugurated, dredge works have been made, the breakwaters and the quays had been built; also six basins and storage tanks for oil had been developed and the cereal silos. Having these facilities, the Port of Constantza registered in 1911 a total traffic of 1.4 million tonnes.
Between the World Wars, other infrastructure facilities are added: corn drying facility, the administrative headquarters, the stock exchange and the floating dock, and the traffic reaches 6.2 million tonnes in 1937, a figure that ranked the Port of Constantza among the first European ports.
In the commemorative paper of 1909 it is expressed "the hope that God will give Romania peace and wealth, so that we can finish in short time the entire port, to serve the economical prosperity of our beloved country". Unfortunately, Constantza and the entire country will suffer damages from the two World Wars, Soviet occupation and communist dictatorship. The south extension works of the port started in 1967. An important role in the port development was played by Black Sea - Danube Canal, which was inaugurated in 1984. During two decades, the Port of Constantza reached impressive proportions, over 3,900 ha. The highest traffic figures were registered in 1988, when 62.3 million tonnes were operated.
El puerto de Constanza, punto neurálgico de tránsito del Mar Negro
de Pirvoiu Claudia (claudiapirvoiu)
Luni, 22 octombrie 2011
La Compañía Nacional de la Administración de los Puertos Marítimos de Contanza gestiona la actividad de esta ciudad, Midia, Mangalia y el puerto turístico Tomis. Además, este lugar beneficia de una posición geográfica estratégica, estando situada en tres corredores de trasportes paneuropeos: Corridor IV, Corridor IX y Corridor VII.
Por otra parte, une el Mar Negro con el Mar del Norte, a través del Rin-Main-Danubio. Y sirve de enlace entre la Europa central y de este con la región del Cáucaso y Asia central.
Proyectos financiados por la UE:
Puente del kilómetro 540 del Danubio, Mar Negro.
Desarrollo de la capacidad ferroviaria en la zona fluvial-marítima del puerto de Constanza.
Expansión hacia el sur del puerto.
Modernización de la infraestructura portuaria.
Proyecto ADB Multiplatform (Adriático-Danubio-Mar Negro Multimodal Platform.
Los puertos Midia y Mangalia tienen un papel importante en el crecimiento de la eficiencia que proporciona las facilidades del puerto principal. El de Midia está enfocado a la industria y petroquímica. Sus principales mercancías son el petróleo bruto y productos derivados, además de cereales y metal. En cuanto al puerto de Mangalia, se operan otras mercancías más generales y productos químicos.
Se trata de un puerto multifuncional con la suficiente profundidad para estacionar las naves más grandes que cruzan el Canal de Suez.
Tiene acceso directo a los países de la Europa central y del este por el Corredor Pan Europeo VII. Está en centro de distribución de los contenedores hacia los puertos del Mar Negro. Tiene conexión marítima, fluvial, ferroviaria, carretera y aérea y también tiene un estatuto de zona libre de comercio.
El puerto de Constanta tiene una capacidad de operación anual de aproximadamente de 120 millones de toneladas tanto marítimo como fluvial. El tráfico fluvial puede alcanzar los 17 millones de toneladas al año.
Pueden entrar todas las mercancías: productos alimentarios, cemento, químicos, metal,… Por otra parte, el puerto dispone de dos terminales ferry-boat para cualquier tipo de vehículos.
En el puerto Constanza operan compañías privadas que, a cambio de una suma pagada al Consejo Nacional de Administración de los Puertos Marítimos de Constanza, ofrecen los servicios necesarios de la actividad portuaria.
Asimismo, otro objetivo llamativo es el proyecto energético AGRI, por el que se construirá una terminal para el gas natural licuado, de donde el petróleo traído de Azerbaiyán, a través de Georgia, se transportará al resto de Europa.
El Puerto de Constanza1 (en rumano: Portul Constanța) se encuentra en Constanza, Rumania, en la costa occidental del Mar Negro, a 179 millas náuticas (332 kilómetros) del estrecho de Bósforo y a 85 millas náuticas (157 km) de la Subdivisión de Sulina, a través del cual el río Danubio desemboca en el mar. Abarca 3.926 hectáreas (9.700 acres), de los cuales 1.313 hectáreas (3.240 acres) son tierra y el resto, 2.613 hectáreas (6.460 acres), es agua. Los dos espigones situados hacia el norte y hacia el sur albergan el puerto, y crean las condiciones más seguras para las actividades portuarias. La longitud actual de la escollera norte es 8,344 kilómetros (27.380 pies) y la escollera sur es 5,560 kilómetros (18.240 pies). El puerto de Constanza es el más grande en el Mar Negro y el número 18 por su tamaño en Europa.țața Constanța
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