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Estatua de Laozi en el monte Mao


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Récord: 33 m

Tipo: Estatuas

Categoría: Estatuas de Lao-Tsé



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Continente: Asia

País: China

Localización: Zhenjiang, Jiangsu

Año: 1998

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:Shangqing 上清 "La pureza la perfección". Una secta del taoísmo que está asociada con el Monte Mao o Maoshan 茅山 ("montaña hierba") en la provincia de Jiangsu, y por lo tanto a veces también llamado taoísmo Maoshan. Se hace especial hincapié en el uso de la Escritura del Patio Amarillo o Jīng Huangting 黄庭经. La fundadora fue una mujer llamada Wèi Huácún 魏华存 (251-334), quien se casó y formó una familia, pero estaba sujeto a las visiones de los inmortales.ículos-taoísmo/sectas-taoístas/

Mao Mountain - Mao Shan(茅山)

The original name of MAO SHAN (茅山) was Ju Qu Shan (句曲山). Mao Shan Mountain is located at JuRong County (句容市), Jiangsu Province (江苏省). The Taoism community acclaims Mao Shan (茅山) to be "The Eighth Grotto Heaven and The Most Auspicious Land" 「第八洞天,第一福地」.

MAO SHAN (茅山) was the cradle of Shangqing Sect (上清派), Lingbao Sect(灵宝派) and Maoshan Sect (茅山派), it has a very high status in the Taoist history in China. Ju Qu Shan (句曲山) was later called MAO SHAN (茅山) to honor the Three Mao Brothers - Máo Yíng 「茅盈」, Máo Gù 「茅固」and Máo Zhōng 「茅衷」, collectively know as Sān Máo Zhēn Jūn 「三茅真君」. They were well-versed in herbal cures, exorcism, incantations, breathing exercises and dispensing of talismans for a variety of purposes. The commoners benefitted greatly from their knowledge, and the mountain was renamed Mao Shan in their honour.

Mt. Maoshan(Maoshan Mountain), Jiangsu, China Tourist Attractions and Travel

"Religious Daoism" came into existence with the emergence in the later Han dynasty ( 25 - 220) of ecstatic, communal movements basing their religious teachings on a mystical interpretation of the writings of Zhuangzi and Laozi. During the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, alchemical and other practices associated with the immortality cult entered the stream of communal Daoism, and many of the subsequent scriptures and commentaries of the Daoist Canon contain medical prescriptions, talismans, and formulas concerned with healing. This marriage of communal, utopian dreams and promises of individal physical salvation was encouraged by "new revelations" to a visionary named Yang Xi beginning in 364. These are known as the Maoshan revelations for the mountain on which they reputedly were made, and the Mt. Maoshan attractions Maoshan sect (also known as the Shangqing sect) based itself on the scriptural records of Yang Xi's visionary experiences.

Mt. Maoshan travel, Jiangsu, China Tourist Attractions

Maoshan Mountain is located at Jurong County, Jiangsu Province. It is a famous Taoist mountain in China, and was once known as the First Happy Land and Eighth Fascinating Place in the history. As it is the cradle of Shangqing Sect, Lingbao Sect and Maoshan Sect, it has a very high status in the Taoist history in China. It was listed as one of the key national Taoist temples by the State Council in 1983.

Maoshan Mountain became a famous mountain of Taoism as early as in 153BC. The three brothers whose surname was Mao cultivated themselves here at that time, and they used the bills of immortality to treat diseases for nearby people, and were thus respected by common people. The original name of the mountain was Juqu Mountain. Because of the Mt. Maoshan tourism three brothers, the mountain was renamed Mt. Maoshan. After that, many Taoist masters carried out religious activities here, and the mountain therefore became more and more famous. Maoshan Mountain entered its most prosperous stage during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). A lot of Taoist temples were built with governmental support and the mountain gradually became the religious place for Zhengyi Sect to perform Taoist rites. Effiel Tower

Mt. Maoshan tourism

There were about 700 small and large rooms in the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The main buildings include the Taiyuanbao Hall and the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace, etc. There are many precious cultural relics, including the four most precious treasures used to subdue the mountain, and canons stored in the temple. In addition, Mt. Maoshan travel the religious rituals and music of the Maoshan Taoist Temple have distinctive features, and they are the important reference materials for research on the Taoist culture.茅山道院/


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Contador: 9435

Inserción: 2013-07-30 13:20:39


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