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Tipo: Puertos
Continente: América
País: Estados Unidos
Localización: Corpus Christi
Año: 1926
Estado: Terminado
Descripción:El Puerto de Corpus Christi juega un papel crítico en la transportación de productos que son vitales para la seguridad nacional y la viabilidad económica.
El crudo, gas, diesel, combustibles y propulsores especiales para jet, misiles y otros, conforman una porción significativa de cargamento que se mueve por el puerto. Treinte muelles de petróleo y químicos públicos y privados, además de 80 líneas de tubería están localizados a lo largo del Canal de Navíos del Puerto de Corpus Christi. El puerto está conectado al cinco porciento de la capacidad de las refinerías de Estados Unidos.
El puerto es el tercero más grande en los Estados Unidos medido por los cargamentos de importación y el sexto más grande medido en tonelaje total. en el 2003, más de 85 millones de toneladas de carga se movieron por este puerto.
El puerto es de gran estrategia para desplegar fuerzas militares de los Estados Unidos y su canal es la base para el Comando de Mina y Guerra de la Fuerza Naval. Para apoyar la guerra contra el terrorismo y la Operación de Libertad Iraquí, el puerto fue el líder entre los puertos en Estados Unidos embarcando 50 navíos militares de carga y llevando un total de 32 mil piezas de equipo militar. El puerto proporciona instalaciones de atraque para la Flotilla Marina de Comando Militar. Los barcos de guerra de la fuerza Naval de los Estados Unidos se reparan también en instalaciones arrendadas localizadas dentro de la Bahía de Puerto Interior.
The History of the Port of Corpus Christi: 1926-2001
Originally written by M. Harvey Weil in April 1986 and updated by the Port Staff in January 1998
History of the Port
In speaking of the spitfire pilots who saved England from a Nazi invasion during the 1940 Battle of Britain, Winston Churchill said, "Never have so many owed so much to so few".
That statement can be applied to the Port Commissioners who, in the 75 years since the first Commission was appointed in 1923, have served the Port of Corpus Christi. During this period of time there have been only 23 Commissioners appointed.
Initially, under the applicable law, there were only three Navigation Commissioners. They were appointed each two years by the "Navigation Board", a joint meeting of the Nueces County Commissioners Court and the City Council of the City of Corpus Christi. In 1973, by a special act of the Legislature, the number of Commissioners was increased to five; all appointed each two years by the "Navigation Board" as before. Another special act of the Legislature in 1983 increased the number to seven. Of the seven, four are appointed by the Commissioners Court and three by the City Council. Appointments are for staggered three-year terms, with one to be appointed by each government body every year and the County to appoint two each third year.
All Port Commissioners have served without pay and, over the years, except for $5,300,00 in bonds paid through ad valorem taxes for certain improvements, the Port has acquired and owns many millions of dollars of Port facilities. In 1985 a bond issue of $25,000,000 was approved for Navy Homeport facilities. Except for the "Homeport" tax bonds, all other tax bonds have been paid many years ago.
Although the statutes under which the Navigation District was organized and operates authorizes the voters to authorize a tax for operating the Port and for maintaining its facilities and although many Ports have such a tax, the citizens of Nueces County have never asked for such authorization. Except for tax bonds issued to construct facilities as above mentioned, the Port has been self-supporting.
Said another way, Nueces County Navigation District No. 1 (now the Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces County, Texas) is unique in Texas political history, not only because of the relatively few in number of the Port Commissioners who have served over the 75 years of its life but because it has been self-supporting from its inception. The District has never had a tax for operations. It owns over 21,000 acres of land, of which approximately 16,000 acres is submerged land, 8 cargo docks an 11 oil docks worth millions of dollars, and, except for the Homeport bonds, has only issued $5,300,000 in tax bonds.
Churchill's statement about the Spitfire pilots may also be applied to the management of the Port.
Port of Corpus Christi
The Port of Corpus Christi, the 5th largest port by volume in the United States, has been the industrial center of the area since its opening in 1926. The Port originally had only four docks available, but quickly expanded following the arrival of the oil rush in South Texas. Numerous refineries have established themselves near the Port, alongside Corpus Christi's museum district, which today lies along both sides of the Port's entrance beneath the landmark "Harbor Bridge."
Today the Port features a 45' deep channel connecting straight to the Gulf of Mexico, and is serviced by direct rail and highway connections. Nearby refineries process incoming oil and petroleum products, most notably into PET and other plastics for use in the food and beverage industry (Corpus Christi is home to the largest producer of these plastics in the world--Flint Hills).
Port of Corpus Christi is the fifth-largest port in the United States in total tonnage.[1] Port Corpus Christi is located on Corpus Christi Bay in the western Gulf of Mexico, with a straight 45-foot-deep (14 m) channel. The port is located close to downtown Corpus Christi in Nueces County, Texas, but the port is not part of the city or the county. Port Corpus Christi operates without receiving any city, county, or state tax dollars. It is governed by an unpaid board of seven citizens, three of which are appointed by the Nueces County Commissioners Court, one by the San Patricio County Commissioners Court, and three by the Corpus Christi City Council. Port Corpus Christi handles over 6,000 vessels and over 80,000 tons of cargo annually.[2] Environmental initiatives are handled through the port's Environmental Management System (EMS). To fight crime and terrorism, public safety at Port Corpus Christi is handled by the Port Corpus Christi Police Department and its state-of-the-art security center.
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