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Puerto de Riga

Otro: Rīgas osta, Rīgas brīvosta


Tipo: Puertos




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Continente: Europa

País: Letonia

Localización: Riga


Estado: Terminado

Descripción:El Puerto de Riga (en letón: Rīgas osta) es un puerto controlada por la Autoridad Portuaria de Riga (Puerto Libre de Riga), en la capital del país europeo de Letonia. El puerto franco está situado en las orillas del río Daugava que cubre unos 15 kilómetros (9 millas) de longitud. La Autoridad de del puerto libre de Riga se encuentra en ubicada en el Bulevar 12 Kalpaks. se trata del puerto más grande a nivel nacional y está abierto para la navegación durante todo el año.

La longitud de atraque total de de 13 818 m, el calado máximo para un buque en el muelle es de 12,2 metros. La Zona del puerto libre tiene una capacidad de manejo de carga en su terminal de 45.000.000 toneladas por año.

Freeport of Riga Posts Mixed Results

Latvia’s Freeport of Riga increased its cargo turnover by 2.3% in the first half of 2015 compared to the same period a year earlier, even though the port recorded dips in container and general cargo volumes.

The port handled 20.64 million tons of various cargo during the first six months of 2015, recording an average monthly volume of 3.44 million tons.

11.65 million tons of dry bulk cargo were handled at the Freeport of Riga in 1H2015, which is by 4.2% more than in the first half of 2014.

The general cargo turnover in recent months managed to stay at the previous year’s level, but in general demonstrated a reduction year-on-year, which might be attributed to the ferry trip reduction and global market changes.

The general cargo turnover in the first half of the current year was by 10.5% lower than during the relevant reporting period of 2014.

Container volume decreased by 1.8%, with the port transshipping 1.93 million tons of containerized cargo.

The containerized cargo segment demonstrates the decrease in the roll on/roll off, various metals, timber, fish and fish products, food and unspecified general cargo volumes.

The Freeport terminals handled 5.8 million tons of liquid cargoes in 1H2015, which is 6.8% more than in the first six months of 2014. Riga


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Contador: 5025

Inserción: 2015-12-24 15:20:45


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