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Zheng Chenggong en Templo Kaiyuan


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Récord: 52.40 m

Tipo: Estatuas

Categoría: Koxinga



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Continente: Asia

País: Taiwan

Localización: Xikou Township, Chiayi County, Kaiyuan Temple Koxinga

Año: 1995

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:Kaiyuan Temple is located in the northeast have Triassic Creek, downstream of the confluence of Bei Kang, the pulse is good, Founding Zunwang is dedicated to national hero Zheng Chenggong, Zheng Jiao first since the government of Fujian Quanzhou Nanan, greet Zunwang gods and worship day and night, there are two over a hundred years.

1967 began to save the world, because of incense, Tranquility narrow special place for the inconvenience, property constraints, the good-hearted people around the stipendiary Zunwang, Dinglixiangzhu unity of God. Han hired six decades seventeen month long presided over the groundbreaking ceremony Road, on May 26 the same year in respect seat ceremony, and then build the temple. 1982 QianDian increased three times in succession to ten feet three inches, Zunwang especially manifest in the middle of the night, led by Jiang Bing word five inches more to the south. Eight years of being hired 29 month long road to officiate Promise Han Palace groundbreaking ceremony, November 13, 2002 Promise eighty Palace Ann Block, can be satisfied that hundreds of people as a place dojo or assembly activities, the same year construction began operation in May Zunwang large statue completed in autumn 1995 ceremony, a large statue of one hundred and seventy feet high, magnificent interior of Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall, on the fifth floor to the ninth floor free for visitors.

Nine years, "Kaiyuan Temple Fosson elderly care centers," completed, Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hospital has the appearance of a Great Wall-style walls, improve software and hardware, providing comfortable and warm humanity of elderly nursing care services.

Kaiyuan Temple the worship of the Lord God as a national hero Zheng Chenggong is located in Xikou Township, Chiayi County Chailin Village. The most prominent feature of the Kaiyuan Temple has a statue of national hero Zheng Chenggong is known as the world's tallest, 172 feet high, the equivalent of seven stories high, as long as you drive into Xikou Township, far you can see this huge statue has become Xikou Township targets.

Kaiyuan Temple was completed in December 1984, the Republic of China, free for all walks of life to visit. Large statue of Zheng Chenggong inside each floor of Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall artifacts, the museum furnishings Zheng Chenggong life growing up and sacrifice for the country's historical heritage, calligraphy weapons, as well as the Qing court edict, Holland surrender books, etc., rather historical value. Zheng Chenggong Heritage Memorial fifth floor to the ninth floor free for visitors, internal planning for the first floor of the Founding sage die holder and conference hall; floor model for Kaiyuan Temple, Shi Jingzu calendar model, Zhangzhou Zheng Jiazu chess house type, Japan Zheng Chenggong born former home model, the Netherlands drop graphical model; third floor when Zheng Chenggong Military heritage; sea floor as Koxinga battleship fleet; fifth floor of heritage Hall; Sixth Floor Museum in rural areas; seven, eight, ninth floor to watch Taiwan; floor external placed four Koxinga era cannons and other artifacts, to become one of Taiwan's tourist destination.【嘉義溪口】開元殿(世界最大鄭成功像)、溪口文化生活館~半日遊


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Contador: 6187

Inserción: 2014-10-21 13:39:27


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