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Midtown Tower



Récord: 248 m

Tipo: Rascacielos




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Continente: Asia

País: Japón

Localización: Tokio

Año: 2007

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:Tokyo Midtown

Tokyo Midtown is a city within the city in the center of Tokyo's Roppongi district. Opened in 2007, the complex includes apartments, offices, shops, restaurants, museums, park space and a luxury hotel. In its center stands one of Tokyo's tallest buildings, the 248 meter tall Midtown Tower.

The top floors of the Midtown Tower are occupied by the Ritz Carlton Tokyo, one of Japan's best hotels. Tourists who want to enjoy the view from the building can either stay overnight at the hotel (room rates range from 40,000 to 2,000,000 yen per night) or visit one of its high-end restaurants.

The Galleria building is an elegant 4-story shopping and dining complex that also houses the Suntory Museum of Art, one of the museums of the "Art Triangle Roppongi". Green space is found behind the buildings of Tokyo Midtown, including a pleasant Japanese style garden named Hinokicho Park.

Midtown Tower

At 248 meters, Midtown Tower is one of Tokyo's tallest buildings. While office space occupies most of the building, the top floors make up the world class Ritz-Carlton Tokyo hotel and the lower floors contain conference space, a medical center and a few shops. The restaurants and bars of the Ritz Carlton are also open to non-staying guests.

Suntory Museum of Art

Hours: 10:00 to 18:00 (until 20:00 on Fridays and Saturdays)

Closed: Tuesdays, January 1, between exhibitions

Admission: varies by exhibition

The Suntory Museum of Art shows five or six exhibitions per year, which usually focus on a particular style or theme of traditional Japanese art. Bringing the joy of art to regular life has been one of the museum's guiding principles since its foundation. First opened in 1961, the museum was relocated here with the opening of Tokyo Midtown in 2007.


Shops: typically 11:00 to 21:00

Restaurants: typically 11:00 to 24:00

Galleria is Tokyo Midtown's main shopping area, and has a large number of attractive high end shops. The building itself is very attractively designed with wooden hues, soft lighting and a spacious central walkway that extends to the top of the four story structure. Visitors can find fashion, interior design, cafes, restaurants and a 24 hour supermarket.

Tokyo Guide: Tokyo Midtown

Tokyo Midtown 東京ミッドタウン

Tokyo Midtown Overview

Tokyo Midtown, Akasaka, from Gaien-higashi-dori Avenue, Roppongi.

Tokyo Midtown is close to Roppongi Hills in both proximity and pizzazz. The 10-hectare Tokyo Midtown complex is a classy melange of business and pleasure in Tokyo's Akasaka district, dominated by Tokyo Midtown Tower, Tokyo's highest building. Tokyo Midtown is on Gaien-higashi-dori Boulevard not far from the main Roppongi intersection.

Tokyo Midtown comprises six buildings, most interesting and fun for visitors being the distinctively contoured, five-story Galleria building, overlooking the lawn area.

Tokyo Midtown is very user friendly for the non-Japanese visitor, with a reservable, bilingual concierge service available 11am to 7pm daily (tel. 03-3475-3100). Foreign currency exchange is available at Travelex on the 3rd floor of Midtown Tower. Visitors also enjoy Tokyo Midtown's relaxing inner-city greenery, as the complex incorporates a sprawling lawn area with over 140 trees, as well as a historical park.

La Torre Midtown es un Rascacielos ubicado en Tokio, Japón, el Rascacielos cuenta con 54 plantas hacia arriba y 6 subterráneas.

El Rascacielos se encuentra en el complejo de Midtown en Tokio, este es el Rascacielos más alto del complejo y también es el más alto de Tokio, sin embargo es el segundo Rascacielos más alto del Gran Tokio solo superado por la Landmark Tower en Yokohama.赤坂九丁目北地区第一種市街地再開発事業東京ミッドタウン-ミッドタウンタワーミッドタウン・タワー


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Inserción: 2016-02-29 13:22:57


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