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Garden City Skyway


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Récord: 5663 m

Tipo: Puentes




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Continente: América

País: Canadá

Localización: St. Catharines, Ontario

Año: 1963

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:Garden City Skyway EA and Preliminary Design Study

Client: Ministry of Transportation, Ontario

The Garden City Skyway is the largest bridge in the Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s inventory, carrying the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) over the Welland Canal between St. Catharines and Niagara-on-the-Lake. Completed in 1963, the bridge is 2.2 kilometres long, has 48 spans, and reaches a height of almost 40 metres.

MRC is leading the ongoing Class Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design Study to determine a long-term strategy to address the structural, traffic safety, and operational needs of the QEW crossing of the Welland Canal. In the coming years, the Skyway will require significant rehabilitation, including replacement of the bridge deck, in order to remain serviceable.

Alternatives under consideration include:

Widening and rehabilitating the existing bridge

Twinning the existing Skyway with a second bridge to the north or south (the existing bridge would be rehabilitated and used for one direction of traffic)

Replacing the existing Skyway with a new bridge to the north or south (the existing bridge would be demolished)

Replacing the existing Skyway with a tunnel to the north (the existing bridge would be demolished)

A number of challenges and constraints must be addressed by the project team during the planning and preliminary design process, including: mitigating impacts to the properties adjacent to the QEW; providing sufficient clearance for the Welland Canal and the nearby Niagara District Airport; avoiding impacts to the existing Homer Bridge to the south; avoiding/mitigating environmental impacts; and staging construction in order to minimize traffic disruptions.

Throughout the study, the project team will consult with key stakeholders and regulatory agencies, such as provincial ministries, the St. Lawrence Seaway Managaement Corporation, the Ontario Provincial Police, the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, local municipalities and First Nation communities. Consultation with the public, including affected land owners, will be key to the success of the study.

The Garden City Skyway is a major high-level bridge located in St. Catharines and Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, that allows the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) to cross the Welland Canal without the interruption of a lift bridge. Six lanes of traffic are carried across the bridge, which is 2.2 km (1.37 miles)[2] in length and 40 metres (131 feet) at its tallest point. It is the tallest and largest single structure along the entire QEW; the Burlington Bay James N. Allan Skyway, which is also part of the QEW, is actually two separate and smaller four-lane bridges.

Among all the bridges spanning the present Welland Canal, the Skyway is numbered Bridge 4A (the Homer Lift Bridge is Bridge 4).

Construction began in January 1960, with the main span crossing the Welland Canal hoisted into place in July of that same year. The bridge was open to traffic on October 18, 1963. During construction, the bridge was referred to as the Homer Skyway, taking its name from the lift bridge that the new skyway was to replace. Upon dedication, the bridge was officially named the Garden City Skyway, in honour of St. Catharines being Canada's Garden City.


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Inserción: 2014-02-12 13:01:52


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