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Vía navegable del Calder y Hebble



Récord: 34.40 km

Tipo: Canales




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Continente: Europa

País: Reino Unido

Localización: De Wakefield a Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire del Oeste, Inglaterra

Año: 1770

Estado: Terminado

Descripción:Vía Navegable del Calder y Hebble es ancho (es decir, con 4,3 m) con esclusas de 14 pies de ancho (y puentes de arco) por vía navegable en Yorkshire del Oeste, Inglaterra, que ha permanecido navegable desde que se abrió.


A principios del siglo 18, la vía navegable del Aire y Calder había hecho al río Calder navegable hasta Wakefield. El objetivo de la vía navegable del Calder y Hebble era extender al oeste la navegación (aguas arriba) de Wakefield a Sowerby Bridge, cerca de Halifax.

The Calder and Hebble Navigation

The Calder and Hebble Navigation runs for 21 miles from Wakefield to Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire.

It had 27 locks and a number of flood locks.

It connects the Aire and Calder Navigation at Wakefield with the Rochdale Canal at Sowerby Bridge and Huddersfield Broad Canal at Cooper Bridge.

The canal was never closed and is a popular waterway with leisure boaters.

Calder and Hebble Navigation

The Calder and Hebble Navigation from Sowerby Bridge to Wakefield and on to Castleford

Researched and written by Jeannette Briggs

The Calder and Hebble Navigation connects the town of Sowerby Bridge on the Rochdale Canal with the Aire and Calder Canal at Castleford. and was constructed after the success of the Leeds and Liverpool/Aire and Calder canal showed the way for the industrialists of West Yorkshire to move their heavy goods down to the ports on the east coast.

The Calder and Hebble Navigation also connects with the Huddersfield Broad Canal at Cooper Bridge Junction. It enables those with canal boats to complete the ring of the now restored Rochdale Canal with the Leeds and Liverpool canal, then the Aire and Calder canal, and back to Sowerby Bridge and the Rochdale again. The canal runs for about 21 miles, and although it was once a vital connection for industrial towns and runs so close to many of them,it retains a rural charm. It is becoming increasingly popular with those enjoying a canal boat holiday seeking "something different" to navigate. It is owned by an independent Trust and charges a licence fee to all users.

Calder and Hebble Navigation

The navigation, which is part-canal and part-river, connects the Yorkshire and Pennine canals, and provides easy access for walking in the Pennines. Canal enthusiasts will appreciate the unusual waterways architecture, including quirky lever-operated locks.

The small towns of Brighouse and Sowerby Bridge are full of interest and local colour, while Wakefield has many attractions, including a redeveloped waterfront area, the Hepworth Art Gallery, and canoeing, sailing and windsurfing at Pugneys Country Park.

Calder & Hebble Navigation

The Calder and Hebble Navigation runs from the Wakefield Branch of the Aire and Calder Navigation at Wakefield to the Rochdale Canal at Sowerby Bridge. It is 21.5 miles (34.4 km) long and has 27 locks. The Calder and Hebble Navigation is also joined by the Huddersfield Broad Canal at Cooper Bridge Junction, and has a small arm to Dewsbury of 1.0 mile (1.6 km). There was also an arm to Halifax, now closed and largely filled in, apart from the first 600 yards (0.5 km) into Salterhebble.

The maximum size of boat that can navigate the full Calder & Hebble Navigation is

length: 54' 2" (16.5 metres)

beam: 14' 2" (4.32 metres)

height: 8' 7" (2.62 metres)

draught: 4' 11" (1.5 metres)

Many of the locks require the use of a wooden Calder & Hebble Handspike.


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Contador: 5504

Inserción: 2016-09-21 18:22:59


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